Thursday, 26 May 2016

Roses and bookmarks and other crafty things...

Hello Friends!

Oh well...clearly not much has happened on this blog lately - SORRY! - but IRL lots of things have been going on in My Little X-Stitch Nook:)

My mum has an allotment and in a couple of weeks all the allotment owners and their families are having a kind of 'flea market' sale for the general public, and my sister and I are planning to have a little 'stall' where we are going to try to sell some homemade baked goodies (baked by me), and some beautiful homemade paper craft like greeting cards and flowers (made by my sister), and some small crochet things (made by me). We did it a couple of years ago too, and we were surprised to see that we actually made some money!!!

We are both looking forward to it as well as dreading it and battle with a lot of negative thoughts...Will people really want to PAY for our things? Will anyone even be interested? Do we even make things that are good enough to sell?!  Etc, etc... But we try to stay positive and think of it as a fun day that we can spend together; if we make any money it is a big bonus!!! And if we don't sell anything we have both got all our Christmas gifts made already LOL!

So, as you may have guessed by now I have spent all my free time lately with various small crochet projects that may be turned into something that could be sold. I have made little colourful crochet roses...

...that I'm turning into bookmarks... this one...

I'm also making some more small crochet hearts as well as these African flowers:)

I haven't quite decided how to use these ones yet; maybe they'll be turned into pincushions...:)
As usual my inspiration comes from the lovely Swedish crochet blog Bautawitch !

I've also been working a little bit on my leftover-yarn crochet blanket and I took a picture of it as it looks right now:

It is quite large (150 x 115 cm) but I like my blankets big enough so I can wrap myself in them properly from head to toe, so I still have plenty more granny stripes to do:)
Finally I actually do have some cross stitch to show you since last time:

Aren't you impressed, LOL?!
OMG, how on earth did I manage to stitch soo much since last time?!

Hopefully I'll get back to my stitching once this allotment business is over and I've been able to order some missing threads. If we can sell some homemade stuff we'll have more money for more craft stash etc so it is definitely a priority for my sister and I right now:)

Hope you all have a nice crafty weekend! Over here in Sweden the weather is atrocious right now; cold, very wet and very windy. The only good thing about it is that it is perfect weather for long hours of crafting indoors, so I'll be spending the weekend on the sofa watching Midsomer Murders with a crochet hook in my hand and plenty of yarns in my lap:))



  1. Well this is an exciting adventure Annie. I wish you and your sister much success! Happy crafting!

  2. Lovely flower bookmarks! Ooh I hope I can hop on over there and sample the goodies! Haha. Have fun with your sister, post some of her cards too:)

  3. Lovely goodies :). I'm sure people will buy!

  4. All the things that you prepared for the flea market look so nice. But you are right - you never know what people are willing to pay for. I hope that you will be selling your home made things and wish you all the best of luck for it.


  5. I very much like your pattern it's beautiful,thank for sharing good i dea !



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