Monday 22 June 2015

Cross Stitch Magazines coming up!

Hi all !

I have been soo busy this last week that I've hardly had time to pick up my needle.
It was my 45th birthday on Saturday and in preparation for the celebrations I basically spent a week in my little kitchen baking goodies . . .

Swedish cinnamon buns !
. . . and cooking up a storm !
I prepared a salmon cheesecake, a sallad with beans ande oven-rosted vegetbables,
a quiche and rosted chicken!
I had let my whole family know that I wanted craft-inspired gifts, and luckily they heard me : = )

I received this creative box with yarn, crochet hook and flower designs . . .

. . . and from my lovely sister I received wonderful handmade gifts, amongst which was this gorgeous handmade recipe book . . .
. . . and this stunning handmade dragonfly for my balcony !

I also received cash which I immediately spent on some cross stitch magazines!
Firstly, I ordered a year-long subscription of one of my favourite XS magazines . .

. . . Cross Stitch Collection !
Then I also took the opportunity to order a back issue that I did not have : )

That Ed & Edwina hedgehog design from Anchor is soo cute ! !

And I ordered this back issue from Cross Stitcher since I love those Vintage Roses on the magazine cover !

The tiny amount of stitching that I have hade time to do have been spent on the project that is a birthday gift for my friend's husband . Here is a little teaser from my progress so far ; of course I have to show some actual cross stitches in this post . . . ha ha ! It won't do otherwise : )

Anyone who recognizes the design ? ? ?

I leave you with a cute pic of two of my furbabies : = )

Happy Stitching everyone!


  1. Belated Happy Birthday! What a successful birthday you had (craft-wise and yummy goodness). Looks like you'll be mighty busy stitching until your next birthday. Have fun:)

  2. Happy belated birthday! Great new stash you got I love that pic of your babies :)

  3. Happy belated birthday wishes to you! Your birthday celebration must have been great with all that yummy food that you had prepared for your guests. Enjoy all the wonderful craft-related giofts!


Reading your lovely comments truly makes my day, so thank you!