Thursday, 24 March 2022

A wolf, an elephant, and a little bit of Xmas

Hello Stitching Friends!

I cannot believe what has happened in Europe and Ukraine since I last posted on this blog😨😢💔... 

However, if I'm going to stick to cross stitching, you may remember that during the Winter Olympics I had decided to try to work on Emma Congdon's Christmas Town every day during the competitions. I managed to stick to that goal pretty well so now the town has progressed from this... this! 

Cross Stitcher magazine, issue 285

Now there are mainly white areas left to stitch. However, with everything that has happened lately I have found it hard to motivate myself to work on it. But I'm trying, and I'm determined to finish it.

Another project I have been working on after Christmas is the collection of three animal siluettes by Durene Jones.

I have now finished the wolf siluette.

Cross Stitcher magazine, October 2021

And I also finished the elephant siluette, but a friend of mine saw it, bought it, and it now hangs on her wall.

Cross Stitcher magazine, issue 379.

So now I have to stitch it again if I want the complete set😉.
As far as the polar bear is concerned I still have a long way to go...

Cross Stitcher magazine, issue 379.

After the Olympics I really wanted to stitch something cheerful and colourful so I made a start on the sampler A Song for Spring by Cheryl McKinnon.

A Song for Spring designed by Cheryl McKinnon.
From Cross Stitcher magazine issue 354 (March 2020)

In the last week or so I have struggled with my stitching/crafting mojo and suddenly I felt like picking up one of my Prairie Schooler Christmas projects again. There's something really relaxing about stitching PS charts. I only wish I had more of them.

The Prairie Schooler, Book No. 199

As you can see it is coming along nicely.

That is it for now, I guess. I've really struggled writing this post; my brain and my heart are just all over the place😔... I hope you are all well and staying safe in this crazy, scary world😔. 



  1. This horrible war is closer in proximity to you than it is to me in the USA, but it is so very heartbreaking. I have found that I must watch the news only once a day and then move on to live the day the best I can. I love your stitching. Prairie Schooler stitching is always relaxing. You are so close to finishing that gorgeous Christmas village. I hope you go back to it.

  2. It truly is heartbreaking what is going on in Ukraine right now. Anytime I see a Ukraine designer posting their Etsy shop I try to buy something to help out a little bit.

    Great progress on Christmas Town, it looks amazing! Well done on your animal silhouettes! And great progress on your other wips too.

  3. Fabulous work on Christmas Town. I can see why your friend wanted the elephant too! I'm also impressed with how the crease marks ironed out of the final piece. I tend to roll my fabric rather than fold it.
    I've bought a few Ukrainian designers' charts this month as well, it's something to be able to help in a small way.

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