Thursday, 3 February 2022

My own Olympic challenge... and an Happy Dance!

Hello Stitching Friends!

I thought I'd pop in here and post my latest stitching update before the Winter Olympics kicks off for real tomorrow. I have a feeling I won't have much time for blogging during the next couple of weeks since I'm a crazy sports fanatic as well as a crafter and passionate dog lover. 

I've decided to set my own stitching challenge during the Olympics. 
I have picked one of my long-time WIPs, Welcome to Christmas Town by Emma Congdon, and decided that I'm going to stitch an hour or two a day on it every day before I move on to my favorite projects. I would really like to finish some of my old WIPs and I hope this can be a good way to do it. If I can stay disciplined, that is😉🤞.

So, I actually started my 'challenge' last week when my my own Christmas Town looked like this... 

Welcome to Christmas Town by Emma Congdon
Cross Stitcher issue 285, November 2014

Since then I've added some more wooden details on the houses...

...and some more Christmas trees.

I also spent some time on the large area of blue sky, so in one week the project progressed from this... this: 

I really have high hopes for this project... and if I can finish it soon I don't have to feel guilty about starting even more projects in the near future🙈😉.

I haven't made that much progress on the wolf...

...but the bright elephant is slowly taking shape!

And guess what...? I have even had time for a finish!!! Who doesn't love a happy dance moment?! It's the smaller January design by The Prairie Schooler and I'm really, really pleased with it.

The Prairie Schooler, Book No. 177.

I made a couple of changes to the pattern. I chose to stitch the phrase Snow Day in red thread instead of brown (not too fond of brown) and I also added some more snowflakes to the design❆❄❅!

Speaking of snow .  . . we had some more snow yesterday and my oldest furbaby (he turned 13 in January)  happily wore his knitted wooly sweater to keep him warm. I've lovingly knitted 'only' five sweaters for him so far😂😍🙈.

Happy Stitching,
